Fellows and Memberships
Fellows of WAPS are the Driving Force behind Productivity Development

Fellows of WAPS


WAPS recognizes eminent productivity professionals across the globe from Academia, Industry, Research, Governments and NGOs by inducting them as Fellows of WAPS. WAPS has inducted more than 500 Fellows during the last five decades.

Fellows of WAPS are selected through a rigorous screening process that begins with nomination and recommendation by any current Fellow of WAPS. Nominated candidates, after approved by the WAPS Board, are inducted as Fellows by presenting to them a Fellow Certificate and a Medallion — usually at a World Productivity Congress.

Fellows of WAPS are also Honorary Members of WAPS.




The some 300+ active Fellows of WAPS are located in different parts of the globe, covering the Americas, the Carribean, U.K. and Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Oceania, giving the Academy global perspectives and our Fellows unique opportunities to collaborate and contribute to world productivity development. 

Regional Coordinators

WAPS Regional Coordinators make up the backbone of WAPS' global communication system. They act as a bridge between WAPS and their respective region, as well as the regional contact point for Fellows of WAPS.

Here is the current network of WAPS Regional Coordinators: 

Prof. Barnes SOOKDEO

Asia: China
Mr. CHEN Shengchang

Asia: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India. Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka
Dr. Sunil ABROL 

North America: Canada, Greenland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon

North America: USA and Mexico
Ms. Anita TANG

U.K. and Europe
Mr. John HEAP


Active Fellows

Nanda A, India

Sunil Abrol, India

Recai Akyel, Turkey

James A. Alles, USA

Deodass Appalswamy, Mauritius

Matthias Aroef, Sweden

Rajat Baisya, India

Edward Martin Baker, USA

Reddy K. Balaveera, India

A.K. Balyan, India

Proshanto Banerjee, India

Joel Barker, USA

Donald Barnes, New Zealand

S. Semsi Bayraktar, Turkey

Leon Bian, USA

Kulamani Biswal, India

David Blanchflower, UK

Marcel Boyer, Canada

Peter S. Brandon, UK

Graham Briscoe, UK 

Mal Bryce AO, USA

Yavuz Cabbar, Turkey

Eduardo Calderon, Guatemala

Hongwang Cha, China

Yongsen Chai, China

Dechuan Chang, China

Jinhang Chen, China

Qingsong Chen, China

Shengchang Chen, China

Xiangshan Chen, China

Yaming Chen, China

Yaoxian Chen, China

Xiangshan Chen, China

Dongliang Chen, China

Lianchang Cheng, China

Dilip Chenoy, India

Garry D. Coleman, USA

Marshall Wm. Conley, Canada

Colin J. Coulson-Thomas, UK

Yulian Cui, China

Remi Dairo, USA

Alban D'Amours, Canada

Edwin R. Dean, USA

Guanyao Deng, China

Kostas N. Dervitsiotis, Greece

SG Deshmukh, India

Victor S. Deyglio, Canada

Erwin Diewert, Canada

Mike Dillon, UK

Andrew S. Downes, Barbados

Yuxian Duan, China

N. Tarachand Dugar, India

Ned Ellington, USA

Yavuz Erkmen, Turkey

Graham Hasting-Evans, UK

Jianshe Fang, China

Bing Feng, China

Elton Fernandes, Brazil

Geoff Flood, Canada

Pierre Fortin, Canada

Shouzhi Fu, China

Zhimin Fu, China

Dekang Gao, China

Tiesheng Gao, China

Xuefeng Gao, China

G.J. Geyser, USA

Pravin Gordhan, S. Africa

Philip Green, Canada

Don Greene, USA

Patrik Grznar, Slovakia

Guojie Gui, China

Xiangyu Guo, China

Mahesh Gupta, India

Ke Han, China

Thor Einar Hanisch, Norway

Mika Hannula, Finland

Harald S. Harung, Norway

Za'faran Hassan, Malaysia

Donald B. Hathaway, Canada






John Philip Heap, UK

Dennis P. Heaton, USA

André Vincent Henry, Barbados

Sunderesh S. Heragu, USA

Frederick Wing-huen Ho, China

Marc Holzer, USA

Ziqing Hong, China

Einar Hope, Norway

Guangming Hou, China

Fang Huang, China

Genjian Huang, China

Guoli Huang, China

Li Huo, China

Bill Hutchison, Canada

James P. Ignizio, USA

Adkar Jaffari, Bahrain

Wanbin Ji, China

Hongshu Jiang, China

Junping Jiang, China

Wentian Jiang, China

Zhenghua Jiang, China

Gopalakrishnan K, India

Abdul Kalam, India

Rosabeth Moss Kanter, USA

Maosheng Ke, China

Juan Kiat Koh, Singapore

Dong Kong, China

John P. Kotter, USA

Wooday Krishna, India

S. Krishnamurthy, India

Pradeep Kumar, India

Jean-Claude Lauzon, Canada

Edward E. Lawler III, USA

W.B. Lee, China

Baoping Li, China

Boxi Li, China

Deshen Li, China

Diankui Li, China

Guangrong Li, China

Jianjun Li, China 

Jiaxiang Li, China

Jingwen Li, China

Shilin Li, China

Xianzhi Li, China

Yanhong Li, China

Yizhong Li, China

Yubao Li, China

Yue Li, China

Zhaoting Li, China

Zhiqiang Li, China

Jun Li, China

Yong Li, China

Mingming Liang, China

Xinyang Lin, China

Cunzhou Liu, China

Fan Liu, China

Hongli Liu, China

Jun Liu, China

Mingzhong Liu, China

Shucheng Liu, China

Wei Liu, China

Zhenhua Liu, China

Daojun Lu, China

Dezhi Lu, China

Jinshu Lu, China

Jianbo Luo, China

Yuande Luo, China

Honglie Ma, China

Chunji Ma, China

Barry A. Macy, USA

Trevor Gordon Maher,   Australia

Mika Maliranta, Finland

Gwede Mantashe, S. Africa

George Masha, S. Africa

M.S. Mathivanan, India

David McKee, UK

Keith McKee, USA

Christopher A. Meyer, USA

Mevlut Hurol Mete, Turkey



Fuchun Miao, China

Zaishan Miao, China

David M. Miller, USA

Henry Mintzberg, Canada

Phil Mjwara, S. Africa

Andrew Muir, UK

L.V. Murlikrishna, India

Amelia Naidoo, S. Africa

Phuthuma Nhleko, S. Africa

Meisheng Nie, China

Carla O'Dell, USA

Sudhakar Pai, India

John Parsons, Australia

C. Dennis Pegden, USA

Shou Peng, China

Tom Peters, USA

Luis-Alberto Herrera, Spain

José Poncini, Mauritius

Michael E. Porter, USA

Ratul Puri, India

Ruixian Quan, China

Zoe Radnor, UK

L.G. Ramamurthi, India

G. Ramanand, India

Mamphela Ramphele, S. Africa

Melkote R. Ramsay, Australia

Arun Kumar Rath, India

Pradip Kumar Ray, India

K. Srinivas Reddy, India

Peter Rehnström, Finland

Torger Reve, Norway

Ross Robson, USA

Alex Rodov, Canada

Guler Sabanci, Turkey

A.N. Sahay, India

Adem Sahin, Turkey

S.K. Sampathraman, India

John M. Samuels, USA

J.S. Saraon, India

Harvey Schipper, Canada 

Peter M. Senge, USA

Rekha Sethi, India

Ravi Shankar, India

Ram Vinay Shahi, India

SA Khader Shaik, India

Hanqing Shao, China

Pritam Babu Sharma, India

Michael Shepherd, Canada

Bhola Singh, India

B.K. Sinha, India

Donglin Song, China

Weijie Song, China

Zhiping Song, China

Barnes Sookdeo, S. Africa

Allen Soyster, USA

Bradley Earl Sparks, USA

Guangqi Su, China

BV Sudharshan, India

David J. Sumanth, USA

Lijun Sun, China

Wei Sun, China

Wensheng Sun, China

Yushuang Sun, China

Tina Sung, USA

K. S. Narayana Swamy, India

Veena Swarup, India

Mario Tabucanon, Thailand

Anita Y. Tang, USA

Louis A. Tanguay, Canada

G. Don Taylor, USA

Gunner Tellnes, Norway

Wensheng Teng, China

Carl Thor, USA

Tinaz Titiz, Turkey

Jean-Marie Toulouse, Canada

Elysia Tse, Singapore

Thomas C. Tuttle, USA

Kerim Unal, Turkey

Shalini Urs, India







Peter Vail, USA

Eileen M. Van Aken, USA

Hendrik René Georges Van Landeghem, Belgium

Bazil Van Loggerenberg, S. Africa

Rajesh Varma, France

Robert L. Veninga, USA

Bhargavi V.R., India

Prem Vrat, India

Hai Wang, China

Huisheng Wang, China

Li Wang, China

Maolin Wang, China

Mengkui Wang, China

Senhao Wang, China

Weicheng Wang, China

Xiancheng Wang, China

Xueli Wang, China

Youde Wang, China

Yusheng Wang, China

Zhibing Wang, China

Peter Watkins, Canada

Carolyn Watters, Canada

Feng Wei, China

Thomas K. Wentz, USA

Donald J. Wheeler, USA

Mickey R. Wilhelm, USA

Peter S. Wong, Australia

Dongfang Wu, China

Gang Wu, China

Jian Wu, China

Mingyu Wu, China

Xuexin Wu, China

Qihua Xie, China

Yonggang Xie, China

Delong Xue, China

Chuanzhao Xue, USA

Changheng Yang, China

Gang Yang, China

Shengwu Yang, China

Shen Yang, China

Shuhua Yang, China

Ergün Yener, Turkey

Qiang Yi, China

Anil Yilmaz, Turkey

Chengjie Yin, China

Sheng Yin, China

Jingyu You, China

Qinfeng Yu, China

Xingqian Yu, China

Zhongda Yu, China

Daomou Yuan, China

Jun Yuan, China

Zhengzhong Yuan, China

Peiyan Zeng, China

Dicheng Zhang, China

Feng Zhang, China

Genhu Zhang, China

Huimin Zhang, China

Peiqi Zhang, China

Sai Zhang, China

Shihong Zhang, China

Xiuyu Zhang, China

You Zhang, China

Zhiyuan Zhang, China

Zuoyou Zhang, China

Jingche Zhao, China

Changhong Zheng, China

Xinli Zheng, China

Tiemin Zheng, China

Daojiong Zhou, China

Ruijin Zhou, China

Yi Zhou, China

Youcai Zhou, China

Dongtao Zhou, China

Hua Zhu, China

Jeff Zornitsky, USA

Dongtao Zou, China

Code of Conduct and Ethics for Fellows and Members

Fellows of the World Academy of Productivity Science are abided by the “WAPS Code of Conduct and Ethics for Fellows and Members”:

1.       I will subscribe to the aims and objects of WAPS.

2.       I would abide by the policies, Rules and Principles of WAPS.

3.       I will promote the cause of Social, Economic, and Environmental (SEE) Productivity.

4.       I would not indulge in any activity that would bring disrepute to WAPS and profession.

5.       I will meet the highest standards of competence in the profession.








6.       I will deal with stakeholders with utmost integrity and create an environment of Trust.

7.       I will be objective in all my actions and decisions and foster fairness.

8.       I will ensure that I am always Reliable and Consistent in all my actions.

9.       I shall maintain absolute confidentiality. 

10.     I will ensure that there is no conflict of interest in what I do with any of my stakeholders.


For more information about WAPS memberships:

Submit to us Membership application and Declaration: 


WAPS is a member-driven body of professionals and experts across sectors / disciplines / functions / domains engaging in productivity. WAPS has three categories of membership:

Institutional Membership

Organizations including Academic / Research / NGOs / Public Institutions can become institutional members of WAPS. 

WAPS Institutional Members will have access to WAPS resources and can associate with various activities and programs. They will be offered concessions for attending WAPS conferences, training, education and other programs. Each Institutional Members can nominate two individuals to represent its organization at WAPS.

Institutional Members' Rights, Responsibilities and Roles

Individual Membership

Experts / Academicians / Consultants / Professionals in their individual capacity can become an Individual Member of WAPS.

WAPS Individual Members will have access to WAPS resources and can associate with various activities and programs. They will be offered concessions for attending WAPS conferences, training, education and other programs.

Student Membership

To acquaint young people with productivity and disciplines of productivity science, Student Memberships are offered. Attendance of two or more WAPS events during the prevailing membership period is a prerequisite for Student Membership renewal.

WAPS Student Members enjoy the same benefits as WAPS Individual Members and may also be given opportunities to intern with the Academy. 

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